January 20, 2007

Uncle Sam's last gamble...

The first group of extra U.S troops has arrived Baghdad marking the first phase of the deployment of 22500 extra troops in Iraq.
With four more brigades ready to be dumped in this endless pit called Iraq, Bush's idea of leaving Iran with "dignity" seems to be converted to a gambler's last and final bet in the delusional hope of victory.

When is Mr. Bush going to learn that although there might be a great need of troops in Iraq to control the situation but the troops wud better be from Iraq than from the U.S, as General John Abizaid (of the US central command) suggested.

That he is proving himself to be a bigger aggressor than Saddam with the rapid growth in the list of number of countries in his self-prophesized "Axis of Evil" and the emergence of a new nation to be attacked every week, latest being Somalia....air raids killing hundred times more civilians than terrorists.

That he is ignoring the clear signs given by the american people in the last elections... a message sent as clearly as possible. Bush promised he heard them well but is doing the exact opposite of what they wanted him to.

That he is defying international opinions, ignoring the U.N completely and worse, using it for its own advantage.

That Iraq cannot cannot govern itself until you let them do that. That it cannot "govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself " with more american troops in the land than Iraqis' and with american diktats deciding their every move.

The influence of U.S on the Iraqi government is obvious from the decision of the government to open its doors to the foreign oil corporations. This law favouring foreign oil companies , that too in these troubled times will never be accepted by the iraqis. This new law talks about reversing the national oil policy of Iraq, which, implemented in 60's was considered to be a revolution for Iraq.

The US controlled Iraqi government is preparing to remove the country's most precious resourse from national control.

The U.S's real motive behind this war is slowly coming to light...Uncle sam surely expects "something" in return even if he loses the gamble...

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January 08, 2007

hang on, Iraq !!

Iraq's beloved villain (finally!!) rests in peace.

Killing of up to 182,000 kurds in 1988; Gassing 5,000 Kurd civilians in Halabja in 1988; Invasion of Kuwait in 1990; Setting alight 700 oil wells and opening pipelines letting oil pour into the Gulf waters; Crushing the Kurdish and Shia rebellions ; Killing political activists over 30 years; massacre of about 8000 members of the Kurdish Barzani tribe in 1983.....the list goes on. Hanging of Saddam seems a pretty small punishment for the crimes he commited.

Allright ..bad guy caught, defeated, killed. justice delivered. Now whats next..
Although the event was big enough to grab the media attention for some days, this isn't something which is going to have a significant contribution in the restoration of iraq.
Its like " a giant leap for america, a small step for mankind ."

The question that whether his execution was fair or not is something which is of no relevance today.
Saddam is executed but the bigger monster unleashed and nourished by him still lingers - the bitter sectarian divide between Shia and Sunni Muslims. This divide that spells the doom for this country just got deepened by this execution.

Hang on Iraq ! there is much more yet to be done. There still are shias and kurds not satisfied with the execution and some saddam-loving sunnis still lurking out there for a revenge...and a whole lot of clueless american troops on a rampage.

There still lies a tough road ahead to peace...

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