October 19, 2006

Racism unVEILed...

Britain this sunday was facing another racism row.
A Muslim junior teacher,Aishah Azmi, 23 at the school in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire was suspended for refusing to remove her veil in class. Phil Woolas, minister of race relations said that she should be sacked.
Ms. Aishah has defended her view by saying that pupils at Headfield Church of England Junior School had never complained about her wearing a veil. Her lawyer says "She is able to do this effectively while wearing the veil. She has demonstrated in a number of interviews that she can communicate effectively while wearing the veil."

One of the thorniest issues in the past year has been whether the state has the power to intervene in how someone dresses.Muslim women's groups have criticised this suggestion that they should stop wearing headscarves or hijabs for the fear of being isolated.

Britain is a multicultural country and the britishers have gladly mingled with the people from different cultures and countries.
Gladly, Ms. Azmi is having support from both the media and the women groups.

But considering the other perspective, doesn't it seems like she is pushing too hard?....she insists that she cannot take off the veil in front of her male colleges but she did took it off when she was being interviewed by a male governor for this post and then she suddenly took the decision to appear in niqab at the classroom.
Apart from this, I'm wondering how when she's talking to eight-year-old children - who in order to learn the language need to see her facial expressions.
Whatever the pros and cons are here, the fact remains that kids at Headfield School have a right to expect to be taught by someone they can actually understand. Children need the warmth and the comfort of smiles and friendly facial expressions. They're kids for God's sake, and when someone of age seven would be confronted by someone dressed like Ms Azmi he would think the Big Bad Bogeyman had come to get him.

What i want to insist is not that she just leave the islamic way of dressing but that she can definitely don a
hijab or a shyla instead of a niqab especially in the profession she is in.

I take a minute here to explain the difference -
A hijab which looks like this is used to describe the headscarves which covers the hairs and the face can be seen.
The niqab which looks like this is a veil for the face that leaves only the area around the eyes clear.

The Islamic dress code is about more than just the hijab or niqab - it is about differentiating between the private and public spheres of one's life.
It is all about choice - you can be a fantastic, practicing Muslim without wearing a niqab. Not wearing one does not make you less of a Muslim

However, the question is not just about the case of Ms Azmi, its about the religious freedom that one should have... just without pushing thing to the extreme.

The Blair administration is also responsibe for all this mess.The Leader of the Commons, Jack Straw, initiated a debate on veil-wearing last week when he suggested the full veil over the face separated communities. His comments were also supported by the home secretary David Davis. and now Blair is also sharing the same opinion.
The ministers should understand that the the removal of the veil will only seek to cause greater divisions in society by forcing all those who want the right to freedom of expression in terms of religion, into faith schools rather than promoting integration and understanding.

At this point i would like to present here the views of a british woman on this issue which also summarises the general british viewpoint -
"We wish to express our disagreement at the comments and policy of Jack Straw towards women who wear the veil, or niqab. We believe the bedrock of communication between people is mutual respect, including respect for the choices they make in relation to their clothing and other personal matters. Women should be able to seek advice from their political representatives without facing what may easily appear as a precondition that they dress in a particular way. Inequality, racism, poverty and uneven power relations including between men and women are the real reasons for divisions in our society, not what women wear."

When the general british public has no problem in mixing up with people wearing hijabs or niqabs, why the heck do these polititions feel uncomfortable with people in veils...

Is it an inner fear of masks or just another instance of islamophobia?

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October 16, 2006

The new Moon...

Ban Ki-Moon takes over as the new Secretary General of UN and will assume the post in january when Kofi annan steps down on 31st december.

So, Mr. moon, lets see whether you can make the UN any more relevent given that the state of affairs in not at its best. With the world in shambles - not the greatest of inheritances you have got.

At this very Special moment i would like to recall the achievements of UNO over the years..

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October 15, 2006

N. Korea...a.k.a. Nuclear Korea

So...finally Korea has come up with it.. the long dreaded dream of joining the nuclear club has come true...Meanwhile, America, the self-proclaimed leader of the earth was squandering its global authority on a futile mis-adventure in Iraq, leaving it almost devoid of options now that the Big Bang has become more than a theory in North Korea.

But why did korea do it??..... one of the thoeory goes like this.... Iraq was attacked because it had no weapons of mass destruction (although we were told, in fact, assured that they had) and so we should have one to be safe.

The nuclear test does no good to anyone.Apart from Mr. kim jong's satiation this serves no useful purpose.North Korea as we know it, isn't the happiest of countries at present....

Kim Jong's hereditary communist fiefdom is the most oppressive dictatorship in the history of mankind. Every moment of life, including its specific term, is controlled by the state.So far as human rights activists can calculate, 1.5 million people have died in North Korean camps. World Vision calculates a further two million died of starvation during the famine provoked in the 1990s by the régime's demented Marxist agricultural policies.
Escapees have described mothers eating their own babies and fresh graves being raided for flesh by starving people. They also report that, in the prison camps, jobs with animals are highly prized because of the opportunity to eat animal feed or undigested grains salvaged from droppings.
Not everyone starves: the armed forces are well fed and the Dear Leader's personal train carries a cordon bleu chef and is stocked with live lobsters and vintage claret.

The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously on Saturday to impose punishing sanctions on North Korea for carrying out a nuclear test, declaring that its action posed a clear threat to international peace and security.Well they are not wrong - with the kind of attitude of kim jong, the guy can go upto any extent...

And apart from the inner worries there are going to be trade sanctions from the not-so-happy neighbourhood...and of course our uncle Sam is never happy with these kind of celebrations in the East....and korea doesn't have the UN on their other side too.....so what exactly does korea get from these testings???Gets to enjoy a better rank in the "Axis of Evil" ??

Sometimes it seems america was not very wrong in calling them the axis of evil...

the world is full of contradictions....

On the other side of the globe, another country cannot even get the right to develop nuclear power for energy uses and is facing threats of dire consequencs,most of them tacit, but we know that it doesnt takes america too much to strike....with blind support from england and israel...and a U.N in its pocket, it isnt very tough for them.

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